Some machines make life easier and better, but not the nicotine machine. It just makes one thing: addicts. (Cue the evil laugh. Bwahahahahahaha.)
To beat this machine, you first need to understand it.
Know this:
- Nicotine is a chemical derived from tobacco plants.
- Absorbed through the bloodstream, it takes mere seconds to hit your brain.
- Once there, nicotine releases dopamine – a chemical that sparks feelings of pleasure.
- So you want more nicotine. And more. And more. And more.
- Here’s the thing…nicotine is 10 times more potent than cocaine in producing psychological effects.¹
- Nicotine causes dizziness, nausea, sore throat, headaches and constipation.
- It constricts blood vessels, raises blood fat levels and contributes to sleep disorders.
- Nicotine hides inside cigarettes, cigars and chewing tobacco.
- And, yes, vape too.
- Vape juice contains flavors like cotton candy and raspberry.
- There are still many unknowns around e-cigs and vaping.
- But as long as they have nicotine, the craving machine will never stop.
While the jury’s still out on the long term effects of vaping, the effects of nicotine are known. And they’re bad. So make an informed choice. Know the facts. Be informed before you vape.
¹U.K. Royal College of Physicians, 2007